Libyan Desert Glass Scarab
This Little Scarab nettle is carved from Libyan Desert Glass, a rare and beautiful mineral that was created by a meteorite strike some 29,000,000 years ago in the lade that lays between Libya and Egypt, now a Desert but back then it was all forest. The carbon from the forests and the quartz in the soil mixed with the rare minerals in the meteorite, zirconium and iridium blended with the Silica from the Quartz sand and these beautiful glass stones were born in the 1700°C heat that was caused by the impact. These stones were highly prized by the ancient Egyptians who called them God Stones. One adorned the breastplate found in the tomb of Tutankhamen, his two was a carved Scarab beetle which has always been associated with rebirth, replenishment and the endless cycle of life. The sacred Scarab was often seen rolling dung across the sand just as the God Khepri rolled the sun across the sky in an endless cycle. Often baby beetles were seen bursting from baked dung balls in the desert sun and legend was that they created themselves and had no parents.
This little stone is Approximately 15mm by 12mm and would be a great piece for setting in to a ring or pendant.
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